2- B.A in Economics and Political Science, Majoring in Political Science.
Excellent first grade honors – Cum Lode – was the first to obtain such
a distinction from the Department of Political Science of Cairo University,
June 1967.
3- Diploma in International Politics, Institute of Social Studies,
the Hague 1969.
4- MA in Political Science, I.S.S, the Hague 1970. The MA program included writing a dissertation on: " Transformation of military regimes into civilian ones: comparative study of Turkey under Kamal Ataturk and Egypt under Nasser ". September 1970.
5- Ph. D. in Political Science from the Graduate Institute of International Studies, University of Geneva. December 1979.
Thesis written on:
Social inequality, collective protest and political violence in some formations of the periphery 1960-1973.
Grades obtained:
5.75 out of six for the thesis
5.75 out of six for the defense of the thesis
2- Issues of Political Change in the Three Continent. Cairo: Professional, 1983.
3- Studies on the State. Cairo: Professional, 1984.
4- With Ali Dessouki et al: the Trial of Democracy in Egypt. Cairo. Al Markaz al Arabi lel Nashr. 1982.
5- National Independence. Cairo: MAN. 1983.
6- Editor. Recent Political Transformations in the Arab World. Proceedings of the first seminar of Egyptian and French political scientists. Cairo: Dar el Nahda, 1989.
7- Editor. In Order to Preempt Another Arab-Arab War. CPRS. Cairo, 1992.
8- Editor. Reality of Political Pluralism in Egypt, Madbouli. Cairo. 1996.
9- Editor. Political Parties and Development in Arab and Non-Arab Countries.
Center for the Study of Developing Countries, Cairo University. Cairo-1997.
10- Editor. Human Rights in Curricula of Basic Education in Egypt.
1998. Forthcoming.
2- “Social and Political Implications of the International Division of Labor.” El Seyasa el Dawleyya. Cairo. Dar al Ahram. Apr. 1982.
3- “Perceptions of Multipartyism by Opposition Leaders in Egypt”. Paper presented to al Ahram Center for political and strategic studies. Cairo. Apr. 1982.
4- “Egypt’s Multi-Party Experiment” and “Interest Groups in Egypt” in al Mash al Ijtema’ei, the social survey of Egypt, organized by the center for sociological and criminological research, Cairo, dar el Ma’aref, 1984.
5- “Models of Political Change in the Three Continents”. Al Seyasa el Dawleyya. Op. Cit. April 1984.
6- “Marxism and the Study of Arab Politics”. Review of the Arab Political Science Association. Larnaca, Cyprus. First issue 1986.
7- “Group of 77 and the United Nations”. Al Seyasa el Dawleyya. Op. Cit. April 1986.
8- “Political Aspects of the Debt Problem”. Al Seyasa el Dawleyya. Op. Cit. No 86. Oct. 1986. pp. 111-121.
9- “Interest Groups and Politics in Egypt; Theoretical Issues.” Paper presented to the seminar held on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the Faculty of Economics and political Science of Cairo University. Cairo, 1986.
10- “Multiple Faces of the Dependent Capitalist State.” Quadaya Fikreyya. Cairo. No 1, 1986.
11- “Human Rights, a Political Science Perspective.” Paper presented to the sixteenth Congress of the Arab Lawyers Union. Kuwait, April 1987. Published in Proceedings of the Sixteenth Congress of Arab Lawyers Union. Vol. II pp. 245-275, and al Haq, review of Arab Lawyers Union.
12- “ Class Perspective and the Study of Politics.” In Sayyid Ghanem et al. New Approaches in Political Science. Cairo. Dar el Nahda, 1987.
13- “Theories of Dependency.” Quadaya Fikreyya Theoretical Issues. Cairo, No 2, 1987, pp. 18-29.
14- “Egypt’s Second Experiment of Multipartyism.” In E Talia’a. Cairo, No. 1988.
15- “Bridging the Gap Between Political Scientists and Citizens.” In proceedings of the First Congress of Political Studies. Cairo, 1988.
16 “Analysis of the 1987 Elections.” In Ali Dessouki ed. Elections of the people’s Council, April 1987. Center for political and strategic Studies. Cairo. Al Ahram, 1988.
17- “Analysis of the Soviet Political Discourse.” Al Seyasa al Dawleyya. Op. Cit. April 1988.
18- “Israeli Studies in Arab Universities.” Paper presented to the Third Congress of the Arab Political Science Association. Cairo, Jan-Feb. 1989.
19- “The Study of Comparative Politics in Arab Universities. “Journal of Social Science. 1997.
20- “Human Rights, International Dimensions.” Al Seyasa el Dawleyya. Op. Cit. April 1989.
21- “The Future of the Arab-Israeli Conflict in Academic Studies.” Quadaya Fikreyya. Cairo No 7, 1989 pp. 148-160.
22- “Arab People’s Potential and Solidarity with the Palestinian Intifada.” Al Mustaqbal al Arabi. Beirut. October 1989: pp. 6-23.
23- “The Gulf Crisis, Implications for Human Rights and Democracy in the Arab World.” In A. Yusuf, H. Eisa, Nabil Abdel Fattah and Mustapha El Sayyed. The Gulf Crisis and Future Challenges. Arab Lawyers Union’s Center for a Legal Studies and Research. Cairo, 1990 pp. 54-70.
24- “Internal Political Implications of the Gulf Crisis.” Paper presented to the Fourth Congress of Egyptian Political Scientists Center of Political Research and Studies, Cairo University. December 1990.
25- “Class Perspective in Political Studies in Egypt.” In Wadouda Badran. Research Methods in Social Science.. CPRS, Cairo University, 1992. pp.185-208.
26- “Newly-Industrialized Countries and the International System.” Arab Strategic Thought. April, 1991 pp. 215-233.
27- “Productivity and the Political System” In Salwa Soleiman, ed. .Productivity in the Egyptian Economy. Center for Economic And Financial Research, Cairo University.1991. pp. 587-622..
28- “Liberalization of the Egyptian Economy, Political Issues.” Paper presented to the Conference on Liberalization of the Egyptian Economy, organized by the Center of Economic and Financial Studies, Cairo university, May 1991.
29- “Civil Society at the Pan-Arab Level.” In Said Ben Said ed. Civil Society in the Arab World and its Role in the Establishment of Democracy.” Center of Arab Unity Studies. Beirut, 1992.
30- “The Arab Cooperation Council: a Neo-Functionalist Perspective.” In Sayyid Yasin. Amman, 1992.
31- “The Question of Redistribution of Wealth in Arab Countries.” Paper presented to Fifth Symposium of Egyptian and French Political Scientists, Aix en Provence, January 1992.
32- “Petroleum Wealth and Arab Development.” In Mona El-Barad’ei, ed.” Petroleum and Arab Development in the 1990’s. Center for Arab Research and Studies. Cairo.1993. pp. 87-106.
33- “The Concept of Civil Society and Political Science.” In M. Olwi, ed. New Perspectives in Political Science. CPRS. Cairo University 1994.
34- “Human Rights athe Arab Regional Order.” In center of legal research of studies. Human Rights debate in the Arab World. Arab Lawyers Union. Cairo 1994.
35- “Non-Governmental Organization and Human Rights Education in the
Arab World.” Paper presented to the Conference on Human Rights Education
in the Arab World, Arab Institute for Human Rights, Tunisia, February 993.
2- “Impact of Latin American Dependencia School on African Studies.” In the Africa- Latin America Seminar. Mexico City. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1984.
3- “Dual Leadership in Egypt.” Paper presented to the Seminar of Dual Leadership held in Tunis, May 1984.
4- “Professional Associations and National Integration in the Arab World.” In State, Nation and Integration in the Arab World. Croom-Helm, London 1987.
5- “The Group of 77: An Impasse.” In African-Latin American Dialogue , Seminar III, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Arab Republic of Egypt , Cairo, 1986, pp. 134-152.
6- “Interest Groups in Arab Studies.”. Paper presented to the Symposium on Arab Studies. American University in Cairo, October 1987.
7- “Capitalisme et L’Etat en Egypte.” In :Recentes Transformations Politiques dans le Monde Arabe Bulletin Du CEDEJ. Le Caire. No. 23 1er sem. 1988. pp. 341-360.
8- “The Islamic Movement in Egypt. Political and Social Dimensions.” In Ibrahim M. Oweis ed. The Political Economy of Contemporary Egypt. Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University 1990, pp. 222-239.
9- “Newly Dimensions of National Liberation in the Arab World.” Theory and Practice of Liberation at the End of the XXth Century. Edited by Lelio Basso International Foundation for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples: pp. 387-404.
10- Neo-Patrimonialisme vu en Occident et dans le Monde Arabe.” Etudes Politiques du Monde Arabe. Approaches Globales et Approaches Specifiques. Dossiers du CEDEJ, 1991. pp. 241-263.
11- “Egyptian Popular Attitudes Towards the Palestinians since 1977.” Journal of Palestine Studies. Issue No. 72, vol. No. 18, No. 4 Summer 1989: pp. 37-51.
12- “Bureaucracy and Political Change in Egypt.” In Dan Tschirgi.ed. \development in the Age of Liberalization., The American University in Cairo Press. Cairo. 1996. pp. 109-118..
13- “Le Model Turc, Vu du Monde Arabe.” Turquie et le Monde Arabe à l’aube du 21 eme ciecle. . Sous la direction de Elizabeth Picard Paris:. Editions L’Hasmattan., 1993.
14- "Privatization: the Egyptian Debate". Cairo Papers in Social Science. Vol. 13, monograph 4, winter 1990.
15." low Thaw in the Arab World". World Policy. Fall 1991. pp. 712-738.
16." A Civil Society in Egypt". Middle East Journal. Vol. 47, No.2. Spring 1993. pp. 227-242. An expanded version appeared in : Augustus Richard Norton. Ed.
17." Civil Society in the Middle East". E.J.Brill: Leiden. New York. Koln. 1995. Vol.1. pp. 269-294.
18." Democracy’s Third Wave and the Arab World ". In Dan Tschirgi. The Arab World Today. Lynne Rainer Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1994: pp. 169-180.
19.“ The Concept of Civil Society and the Arab World.” In Rex Brynen, Bahgat Korany & Paul Noble eds. Political Liberalization & Democratization in the Arab World. Vol. 1, Theoretical Perspectives. Lynne Rienner Publishers: Boulder and London. 1995. pp.131-148
20.“The European Union and the European Regional Order.” In W. Badran ed. The European Union and Egypt. CPRS. Cairo, 1994.
21.“Non-Governmental Organizations and Political Change in Egypt.” Paper presented to the Symposium on on-Governmental organizations and Development in Egypt. Faculty of Economics & Political Science, Cairo University, April 1994.
22.“ State, Society and Violations of Human Rights in Egypt” in Dan Tschirgi. ed. Human Rights: Egypt and the Arab World. Cairo papers in Social Science, Vol.17, Monograph 3, Fall 1994.
23.“ Le Syndicat des Ingénieurs et le courant islamique” in Monde arabe, Maghreb-Machrek. No.146. Oct.-Dec. 1994.pp.27-39.
24.“ Measuring Political Freedom in Egypt, 1992”. Background paper presented in preparation for the publication of the Human Development Report of Egypt, 1994. Cairo- UNDP- Institute of National Planning.
25.“ Political Participation” in Human Development Report of Egypt, 1995. Cairo-UNDP-Institute of National Planning. 1996. pp. .43-51.
26.“ War and State Formation in Egypt” paper presented to the Symposium on War and Social Transformation organized by the Social Science Research Council, Paris , November 1995.
27.“ The Political Economy of Food Subsidies in Egypt” , Paper presented to the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington, January 1996.
28.“ Islam and Democracy” in Mohammed El-Sayyid Selim, ed. India and the Arab World. Center for Asian Studies, Cairo University. Cairo. 1996.
29.“ Le Neo-Liberalisme dans le Monde Arabe” .Bulletin du CEDEJ. Le Caire.1996.
30.“ Transition from Authoritarianism in Egypt and the Republic of Korea” in M.E.Selim, ed. The Arabs and the Koreans, Comparative perspectives on New Issues. Center for Asian Studies, Cairo University. Cairo. 1995. pp. 75-100.
31.“ Theoretical Issues in the Arab Human Rights Movement” in Tareq Y. Ismael and Jacqueline S. Ismail, guest Editors. Human Rights in the Arab World. Arab Studies Quarterly. Vol. 19, No.1, Winter 1997. pp. 23-30.
32.“ Comment analyser les elections législatives en Egypte?” .perface. In Sandrine Gamblin. ed. Contours et détours du Politique en Egypte, Les élections législatives de 1995. L’Harmattan. Paris.1997.pp.7-18.
33.“ The Rise and Fall of the United Arab Republic” in Michael Hudson,
ed. Political Integration in the Arab World.
Columbia University Press. New York. 1998. Forthcoming. “ Legitimacy and
National Security in Arab Countries” in Lenore Martin, ed. New Frontiers
of National Security in the Middle
East. 1998. Forthcoming.
2.Regional planner, Urban and Regional Planning Division, Italconsult, an Italian constancy firm, July 1973-July 1975.
3.Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Cairo University, January 1981- April 1986.
4.Expert, Political Systems Unit, Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Al Ahram Cairo 1982.
5.Visiting Assistant Professor, American University in Cairo, 1984-1986. Visiting Associate Professor at the same university, April 1986- September 1989.
6.Promoted Associate Professor of Political Science at Cairo University as of April 8, 1986.
7.Promoted Professor of Political Science at Cairo University as of April 30, 1991.
8-Acting editor. Arab Alternative Futures’ Dossier. Published in Arabic and English. Third World Forum – United Nations University. Issues 12-20, 1983-1986.
9- Director, Center for the Study of Developing Countries,
Cairo University. April 1995-
2- Political Theory, for one year.
3- Human Rights, for one year.
- Taught the following courses at the American University
in Cairo:
2- Introduction to Political Systems, ten semesters
3- Politics of Development, eleven semesters
4- Comparative Communist System, three semesters
5- Comparative Politics if Advanced Industrialized Countries, one semester
6- Seminar on Politics of Foreign Aid, three semesters
7- Comparative Political Development, three semesters
8- Human Rights for one semester.
9- Twentieth Century Egypt, for four semesters.
2- International Economy and Political Change, two semesters
3- Comparative Political Development, three semesters,
4- Human Rights, Two semesters,
5- Development, an interdisciplinary seminar, onesemester
6-Egyptian Politics, semester.
* Member of the American Political Science Association,
* Member of the Arab Political Science Association , was also a member of its Executive Board since 1991.
* Member of the Egyptian Human Rights Organization, was a member of the Executive Board in 1989-1991.
* Member of the Board of Trustees of the Center for Legal
Aid since 1993.
* Center for the Study of Developing
Countries,Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.
* Home: 22 Abbas El-Aquad Street, Madinat Nasr, Cairo. Egypt. Zip
code. 11371.
direct Phone No. : 5705542 - 5728055 - 5728116
Number : 202 5705542 - 202 5711020 - 202-2709790.